
Showing posts from June, 2009

The Gospel Is Not To Be Compromised.

I am pretty much on the verge of leaving the congregation my parents attend. This may seem of little importance, but with the exception of college, I have faithfully been with them in the church I was raised, the mega church, and finally now the small Bible church. However, something has happened that has caused me to question my role in the congregation, so to speak. I do not want to go into details... who knows who will be reading this post... and I don't want to bore you or gossip. So here's the gist, as it were. June 7, 2009 - guest speaker "preaches" at the church. his gospel is an urgency message of sorts, charging us the importance of being fishers of men to spread the gospel, by fishing and catching men for God, essentially. the problem came though from his lack of gospel in the sermon. he told more stories about himself than I thought possible. Much of the sermon was him preaching about himself, rather than him preaching about forgiveness of sins in Chr...
... This list is by NO means comprehensive... but is still fun I think. :-) Let's face it... most "American Christians" are incredibly shallow when it comes to theological truth and Bible knowledge.  Why else do books by Rick Warren and Joel Osteen and Rob Bell sell ANY copies whatsoever, much less sell out in many cases in "Christian bookstores"??  It's nuts! However in the deep end of the pool today (one of the ends anyway) is the Reformed Christian.  Christians who are in-line with the theology of the Reformation (Lutherans and Calvinists) are definitely going against the grain in terms of theology and the gospel and HOW we talk about the Bible.  Well, historic Lutherans anyway... can't say much (good) about the ELCA.  Anyway... oh yes.  So while I recognize that many Lutherans get (a lot) RIGHT on... I am not Lutheran, SO I cannot speak so much for what language they do and don't use... say for what I hear from Rosebrough.  lol. Anyway... with my...