... This list is by NO means comprehensive... but is still fun I think. :-)
Let's face it... most "American Christians" are incredibly shallow when it comes to theological truth and Bible knowledge. Why else do books by Rick Warren and Joel Osteen and Rob Bell sell ANY copies whatsoever, much less sell out in many cases in "Christian bookstores"?? It's nuts!
However in the deep end of the pool today (one of the ends anyway) is the Reformed Christian. Christians who are in-line with the theology of the Reformation (Lutherans and Calvinists) are definitely going against the grain in terms of theology and the gospel and HOW we talk about the Bible. Well, historic Lutherans anyway... can't say much (good) about the ELCA. Anyway... oh yes. So while I recognize that many Lutherans get (a lot) RIGHT on... I am not Lutheran, SO I cannot speak so much for what language they do and don't use... say for what I hear from Rosebrough. lol.
Anyway... with my ignorance in mind and aside (does that even make sense to say? i doubt it), I have decided to compose some words that if used in a conversation by an individual (and that person is not a confessional lutheran)... that individual is MOST LIKELY a Calvinist. Since we have to use big words because our heads are so big from studying a lot of great books and sermons. ;-)
No... but seriously. It does take considerably more work to BE a Calvinist, considering that it goes counter to both sinful man's nature and the theological spectrum as a whole from where we are today in our man-centered forms of Christianity. We study to get at least a basic graps on what we believe from Scripture because... WE HAVE to, as we will undoubtedly be soon challenged by Arminians who think we never witness and eat our babies... or something.
anyway... on to the list:
- "deceitfully wicked"
- "dead in trespasses and sins"
- "regeneration"
- "elect"
- "
Let's face it... most "American Christians" are incredibly shallow when it comes to theological truth and Bible knowledge. Why else do books by Rick Warren and Joel Osteen and Rob Bell sell ANY copies whatsoever, much less sell out in many cases in "Christian bookstores"?? It's nuts!
However in the deep end of the pool today (one of the ends anyway) is the Reformed Christian. Christians who are in-line with the theology of the Reformation (Lutherans and Calvinists) are definitely going against the grain in terms of theology and the gospel and HOW we talk about the Bible. Well, historic Lutherans anyway... can't say much (good) about the ELCA. Anyway... oh yes. So while I recognize that many Lutherans get (a lot) RIGHT on... I am not Lutheran, SO I cannot speak so much for what language they do and don't use... say for what I hear from Rosebrough. lol.
Anyway... with my ignorance in mind and aside (does that even make sense to say? i doubt it), I have decided to compose some words that if used in a conversation by an individual (and that person is not a confessional lutheran)... that individual is MOST LIKELY a Calvinist. Since we have to use big words because our heads are so big from studying a lot of great books and sermons. ;-)
No... but seriously. It does take considerably more work to BE a Calvinist, considering that it goes counter to both sinful man's nature and the theological spectrum as a whole from where we are today in our man-centered forms of Christianity. We study to get at least a basic graps on what we believe from Scripture because... WE HAVE to, as we will undoubtedly be soon challenged by Arminians who think we never witness and eat our babies... or something.
anyway... on to the list:
- "deceitfully wicked"
- "dead in trespasses and sins"
- "regeneration"
- "elect"
- "
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