The Gospel Is Not To Be Compromised.

I am pretty much on the verge of leaving the congregation my parents attend. This may seem of little importance, but with the exception of college, I have faithfully been with them in the church I was raised, the mega church, and finally now the small Bible church. However, something has happened that has caused me to question my role in the congregation, so to speak.

I do not want to go into details... who knows who will be reading this post... and I don't want to bore you or gossip.

So here's the gist, as it were.

June 7, 2009 - guest speaker "preaches" at the church. his gospel is an urgency message of sorts, charging us the importance of being fishers of men to spread the gospel, by fishing and catching men for God, essentially. the problem came though from his lack of gospel in the sermon. he told more stories about himself than I thought possible. Much of the sermon was him preaching about himself, rather than him preaching about forgiveness of sins in Christ. In fact, the cloest thing he ever even came to the "gospel" was his mentioning he shared with one gentleman "the four spiritual laws." If you are unfamiliar, law #1 is "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life." ::tries not to puke:: This is NOT the gospel! It is not really even true for that matter... but anyway.

Well I messaged the church group I started on Fb and told them that s sermon where the man preaches about himself and tells jokes is not a sermon. One where Christ crucified is not proclaimed is not a sermon. But the person who spoke apparently is an alumni, so to speak, of the congregation, and so no one saw it fit to out and out identify what (if anything) was wrong with the sermonette. My reaction in the message was a bit harsh, i recongized that and repented. Only then my repentance was called (unjustly) into question, and I found out that the leadership felt "more action" should be taken. They wanted to meet with me, but I declined. They seem to want me to repent of not just HOW I said what I said, but for SAYING what I said.

NO. The Gospel if of FAR more importance than man's feelings.

So as a result, I am looking at various churches... some Acts 29, Reformed Baptist and Presby in America for the summer. I don't want to be a loser and up and leave like that over something that may seem so trivial. But then again, the gospel is not trivial... it is CENTRAL.

I know I haven't written much lately. But I don't have the processes anymore to write really long blogs. And If i can't produce GOOD material... why produce half-thought out crud? lol.


  1. Ryan, I think I may know how you feel. Not that I've ticked off any church leaders ;) but I am growing weary in a way with our home church. They are part of the SBC, I am growing to really dislike SBC more and more. And I have to give our pastor credit; I have never heard him water down or sugar coat what we are apart from Christ. He has said more than once, "I love you enough to tell you that you will go to hell without Him". But things that go on with the people...women coming in half dressed (totally acceptable by the world's standards, nearly nude according to His), the fact that "fellowship" apparently means talking about NASCAR or some other sport...I feel like something is missing. I am feeling drawn to seek out a "reformed" church, a more family-integrated church...a not-so-culture-friendly church.

    Sorry about the book. I wish you the best in your search. I want to say not to give up on this family yet, to be strong and maybe try to share with them the way God has shown it to you with His Word, but the REAL Gospel is offensive. I don't think we should be making people angry on purpose, but it's going to happen. If we aren't hated because of Him I wonder if we're really for Him. Does that make sense?

  2. I'm glad you said it. I was wondering if anyone else noticed.

  3. Ryan, found you through the League of Calvinist Bloggers. I'm one too.

    I know this post was back in June, but I hope you have found the right congregation for you.

    BTW, I'm in St. Louis as well. Elder in a PCA church.

    Blessings brother!


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