I grew up in the church - conservative charismatic evangelical - but I am not sure if I was saved or not. I went down during an alter call during a Carman concert in '94 and was soon after baptized. Still, I was always burdened by my sin. I would spend the next 10 years going to numerous concerts and youth events, rededicating my life to Christ over and over, tears flowing, sure that THIS TIME I was serious and this time I would have victory over sin in my life. Every time I was met with letdown.
After I arrived at college, I came to understand, through the ministries of Way of the Master (now Wretched Radio), The White Horse Inn, and Desiring God, the necessity of the biblical gospel: Christ and him crucified and our response: not feeling sorry for our sin, but instead 1) Repentance: turning from our sinful ways and 2) Faith: trusting in Christ's sacrifice for our salvation ALONE. I had already been dabbling in Reformed Theology, and it was amazing how it all just fit together once I actually understood the biblical gospel!
While I once used the terms "Reformed Theology" and "Calvinism" to describe my belief in the "5 points of Calvinism" or the "TULIP" (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints), I now am more likely to describe myself as all-around Reformed -- that is, I am more confessional now than I used to be when I began this blog. I am not yet fully Reformed, but am coming around, as it were, on my views re: Covenant Theology and how baptism, as a sign of the new covenant, is applied to individuals, not as a sign of the individual's faith, but as a sign of God's promise to save all who exhibit faith... just as circumcision was in the Old Testament.
My wife and three daughters currently attend our local Presbyterian (PCA) congregation in St. Charles, MO