A conversation with a "christian mystic"... wow.
i had this convo today w/ this guy on Facebook that randomly found me and added me as a friend on facebook. his religious views on his profile were labeled as "opti-mystic"... turns out he was the starter of a "Christian group" on myspace that allowed a Mormon to join and saw no problem w/ this... this is our conversation... Between Mike Morrell and Ryan Gill Ryan Gill Today at 5:52pm what is an opti-mystic? is that like opti-free contact lens solution? Mike Morrell Today at 5:56pm Report Message Ha! Its like someone living by means of Jesus who then gets, to quote Brennan Manning, a "serious and incurable case of the happies." So, if by opti-free you mean someone who can see clearer, and in freedom...sure! (See John 17) Ryan Gill Today at 5:57pm ewwww... brennan manning... catholic mystic... yuck. i get who jesus is... the only way. john 14:6. any other "way" leads to destruction. Mike Morrell Today at 6:02pm Report Mes...