A conversation with a "christian mystic"... wow.
i had this convo today w/ this guy on Facebook that randomly found me and added me as a friend on facebook. his religious views on his profile were labeled as "opti-mystic"... turns out he was the starter of a "Christian group" on myspace that allowed a Mormon to join and saw no problem w/ this...
this is our conversation...
this is our conversation...
Between Mike Morrell and Ryan Gill
Between Mike Morrell and Ryan Gill
Ha! Its like someone living by means of Jesus who then gets, to quote Brennan Manning, a "serious and incurable case of the happies."
So, if by opti-free you mean someone who can see clearer, and in freedom...sure!
(See John 17)
So, if by opti-free you mean someone who can see clearer, and in freedom...sure!
(See John 17)
Today at 5:57pm
ewwww... brennan manning... catholic mystic... yuck.
i get who jesus is... the only way. john 14:6. any other "way" leads to destruction.
i get who jesus is... the only way. john 14:6. any other "way" leads to destruction.
Ah, Ryan. Now I remember you. You're in a Myspace group, right?
Well no offense, but I tend to find in Brennan one of the clearest pictures of Jesus around. I grew up PCA for a number of years...just met RC Sproul last week...no thanks.
Well no offense, but I tend to find in Brennan one of the clearest pictures of Jesus around. I grew up PCA for a number of years...just met RC Sproul last week...no thanks.
Today at 6:05pm
no RC? i suppose you are allergic to good doctrine... so no Piper or Calvin or MacAruthur, eh?
Sorry if that sounded a little too snippy. Let me put it a different way.
I find much meaning and beauty in the Reformed tradition; like any Christian tradition, it is infused with the life of God, and flawed human endeavors. In the Reformed family I tend to gravitate toward folks like Barth and Newbigin more than Sproul or MacArthur...that's just me.
But I also think variety is the spice of life, and so I enjoy having "iron-sharpening" friends, even sisters and brothers in Christ with whom I happen to disagree.
You can pretty much see my entire spiritual pedigree--plenty for one such as yourself to critique, I'm sure--at http://zoecarnate.com
I find much meaning and beauty in the Reformed tradition; like any Christian tradition, it is infused with the life of God, and flawed human endeavors. In the Reformed family I tend to gravitate toward folks like Barth and Newbigin more than Sproul or MacArthur...that's just me.
But I also think variety is the spice of life, and so I enjoy having "iron-sharpening" friends, even sisters and brothers in Christ with whom I happen to disagree.
You can pretty much see my entire spiritual pedigree--plenty for one such as yourself to critique, I'm sure--at http://zoecarnate.com
"Chosen By God" was very meaningful to me a number of years ago...and if I like any living conservative Calvinist, its Piper, but its very much an "amen, brother" one moment and "I can't believe you actually think and preach that" the next.
Some of my most recent thoughts on God and human freedom have been shaped by Francis Schaeffer's son-in-law, Udo Middelman, and his book "The Innocence of God." It's not out yet (I work in Christian publishing and actually I edited it); it will be in September from Authentic Media, see http://www.authenticbooks.com and http://www.pearceyreport.com/archives/2007/03/udo_middelmann_2.php
Anyway, bro, I'm not looking to pick a fight with you. I was happy to be Southern Baptist and then Calvinist for a good many years. If you are still finding Christ there, go for it. Follow your hunger. I'm sure, by your standards, I'm an apostate "liberal"--meeting in a house church, reading Catholic mystics, active in the emerging church conversation...I understand; there is much confusing in life, and polarizing.
Christ's peace be with you.
Some of my most recent thoughts on God and human freedom have been shaped by Francis Schaeffer's son-in-law, Udo Middelman, and his book "The Innocence of God." It's not out yet (I work in Christian publishing and actually I edited it); it will be in September from Authentic Media, see http://www.authenticbooks.com and http://www.pearceyreport.com/archives/2007/03/udo_middelmann_2.php
Anyway, bro, I'm not looking to pick a fight with you. I was happy to be Southern Baptist and then Calvinist for a good many years. If you are still finding Christ there, go for it. Follow your hunger. I'm sure, by your standards, I'm an apostate "liberal"--meeting in a house church, reading Catholic mystics, active in the emerging church conversation...I understand; there is much confusing in life, and polarizing.
Christ's peace be with you.
Today at 6:14pm
variety is not to triumph over truth. there are absolutes... people can't just come up with mystical crap borrowed from eastern and new age religions and say "hey this is biblical." not the case. truth is in the scriptures. period. not in gnostic writings or in spreading the social gospel crap being spewed from the mouths of deceivers.
the reformation was not just a "beautiful tradition." it was a gift from God to break away from the heresy in the catholic church.
i'm scared to ask your thoughts on the heretic named rob bell. or any other emergent goats for that matter.
I'm pretty sure Paul disagrees with your feelings on "variety" in dealing with the doctrines in the holy scriptures. Galatians 1:6-12
the reformation was not just a "beautiful tradition." it was a gift from God to break away from the heresy in the catholic church.
i'm scared to ask your thoughts on the heretic named rob bell. or any other emergent goats for that matter.
I'm pretty sure Paul disagrees with your feelings on "variety" in dealing with the doctrines in the holy scriptures. Galatians 1:6-12
Oh, wow. Where to begin? Well, I guess I could share that my mysticism is rooted in the Bible, the "mystery of Christ in you, the hope of glory." Followers of Jesus, living by means of the Trinity. I could then follow this by saying that ancient Christian mystics East and West precede the New Age movement by 1700 years! I could then say that Jesus cares for the poor, and that Paul said we should walk in good works. So I tend to view salvation as holistic. Then I could add that God likes variety, as Revelation ends with folks from every culture gathering around to worship.
I would then add that I would never be Roman Catholic; I have deep reservations about facets of their doctrine and practice. But, knowing church history as I do, I have deep reservations about the Magesterial Reformation and its fruits, too--namely, the slaughter of fellow Christians. I would be more in line with the radical reformation, Anabaptists and Quakers. But then, nobody's perfect.
And I guess that's my point. I've given up trying to find the 'pure' church; I can accept all of God's redeemed knowing we're all equally in need of grace.
I like Rob Bell. And Phyllis Tickle, and Brian McLaren, who's a good friend. And probably many others who make your blood boil or keep you up at night.
Long ago I learned to stop letting Jerry Falwell or Steve Camp or Dave Hunt make my blood boil. I find it's better for one's health that way.
I would then add that I would never be Roman Catholic; I have deep reservations about facets of their doctrine and practice. But, knowing church history as I do, I have deep reservations about the Magesterial Reformation and its fruits, too--namely, the slaughter of fellow Christians. I would be more in line with the radical reformation, Anabaptists and Quakers. But then, nobody's perfect.
And I guess that's my point. I've given up trying to find the 'pure' church; I can accept all of God's redeemed knowing we're all equally in need of grace.
I like Rob Bell. And Phyllis Tickle, and Brian McLaren, who's a good friend. And probably many others who make your blood boil or keep you up at night.
Long ago I learned to stop letting Jerry Falwell or Steve Camp or Dave Hunt make my blood boil. I find it's better for one's health that way.
Today at 6:28pm
rob bell claims that Jesus was not claiming exclusivity in John 14:6. the man is really full of crap, and not preaching the gospel. those who preach a false gospel are not of the redeemed. they are unregenerate.
you are friends with Brian McLaren? wow. that is pathetic. i mean... really pathetic.
and rob bell... i've seen his video for "Rhythm" it was bad... i mean BAD...i'm talking Star Trek V: The Final Frontier bad.
just because no one is perfect does not give you the excuse to tout heresy as truth bud. that's what happens when people try to "open their minds"-- their brains spew out and they have no discernment as to what truth is.
the gospel preached by these "christians" you mention is: "God loves you just the way you are." ha. where is that in scripture anyway? How did the church in Acts preach the gospel? Was the gospel, in one word, "love"? nope... it was "repent."
That was it... i have yet to hear from him... though I doubt I will. I have shared this conversation with a few close friends prior to my posting this, and they informed me they do not believe I was too harsh. I know sometimes I can sound like a smart-ass... but heresy infuriates me. People who claim Christ, yet proclaim a different gospel than that found in the Word... they need to stop making a mockery of Christianity. I am intolerant of heresies. I'd rather deal with someone who has NO relationship with God than one who claims to be a Christian, yet in reality seems more like a goat. False prophets ... ugh.
you are friends with Brian McLaren? wow. that is pathetic. i mean... really pathetic.
and rob bell... i've seen his video for "Rhythm" it was bad... i mean BAD...i'm talking Star Trek V: The Final Frontier bad.
just because no one is perfect does not give you the excuse to tout heresy as truth bud. that's what happens when people try to "open their minds"-- their brains spew out and they have no discernment as to what truth is.
the gospel preached by these "christians" you mention is: "God loves you just the way you are." ha. where is that in scripture anyway? How did the church in Acts preach the gospel? Was the gospel, in one word, "love"? nope... it was "repent."
That was it... i have yet to hear from him... though I doubt I will. I have shared this conversation with a few close friends prior to my posting this, and they informed me they do not believe I was too harsh. I know sometimes I can sound like a smart-ass... but heresy infuriates me. People who claim Christ, yet proclaim a different gospel than that found in the Word... they need to stop making a mockery of Christianity. I am intolerant of heresies. I'd rather deal with someone who has NO relationship with God than one who claims to be a Christian, yet in reality seems more like a goat. False prophets ... ugh.
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