Common Questions On Calvinism ... part two
I recently received a series of questions from a good friend dealing with some issues/objections she had with Calvinism/Reformed Theology. I truly appreciated the opportunity to share what I explicitly believe in the realm of the Doctrines of Grace with her, and humbled she came to me to know how a Calvinist deals with each of these questions. Because these questions are quite common inquires into Reformed Theology, I figured it would be profitable to the body of Chris t for me to post my answers here as well. Perhaps I will continue on beyond her questions in writing on/replying to other objections common to Calvinism. Again, I hope this is useful to all who read this. Question #2: How do you know Ryan Gill is a chosen one (a member of the elect)? How do I , Ryan Gill, know I am "numbered among the elect"? Simple: I have responded to the Gospel call (to turn form my sin and believe/trust in Christ's atoning work alone to save) by r...