
Showing posts from November, 2009

Common Questions On Calvinism ... part one

I recently received a series of questions from a good friend dealing with some issues/objections she had with Calvinism/Reformed Theology.  I truly appreciated the opportunity to share what I explicitly believe in the realm of the Doctrines of Grace with her, and humbled she came to me to know how a Calvinist deals with each of these questions. Because these questions are quite common inquires into Reformed Theology, I figured it would be profitable to the body of Chris t for me to post my answers here as well.  Perhaps I will continue on beyond her questions in writing on/replying to other objections common to Calvinism.  Again, I hope this is useful to all who read this. Question #1: How does the Calvinist approach the Great Commission? Wouldn't the same "All" in ' All Power ' be the same as in " all nations "? 1.a. The Calvinist (or rather "Reformed") approach to the Great Commission is such :    " All authority in heaven and o...

You shall go out running like ... a running beagle after a bath!

Malachi 4:1-3 For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble.  The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the L ORD of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.  But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.   You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.  And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the L ORD of hosts. Thanks to a good friend of mine named Jim , Kacey and I learned of a church down here in Springfield that is attempting to join the OPC - Orthodox Presbyterian Church.  The congregation is fairly small; even smaller than the Sovereign Grace church in town or South Creek... and considerably smaller than Boulevard Baptist.  But it is also full of people who love God... and who use the Trinity hymnal. ;-) The sermon text today...

Difficult 1 Kings passages illuminated by good Study Bibles

Even though I tend to own a fair number of Study Bibles, I tend to often read the text of Scripture by itself.  I do not know if this is out of a desire to read the passage uninterrupted by stopping every few verses to read the commentary, OR if is due to my not wanting to re-read an entire section a second time, this time actually reading all the commentary provided on the given selection.  OR it could be that both the ESV Study Bible and the Reformation Study Bible are fairly hefty, and I would rather carry around a thinline Bible.  Either way, generally these helpful tools stay at home when I read. Yesterday, however, as I was reading through 1 Kings, I was in great need of good study notes.  (Actually even mediocre study notes would have done, and did do for my own curiosity, as I read the notes in the NIV Study Bible, just to see what was written there).  I am sad to admit I had never so much as opened my Bible up to 1 Kings or 2 Kings for that matter t...

Is there a reason to quote a heretic?

I am not sure there is ever an excuse to quote a heretic from the pulpit... not unless you are giving an example of their bad theology. For example... if a pastor ever gave a quote from Joel Osteen... one that wasn't followed by "this is an example of horrible theology!" then I think there is a right to be concerned. The congregates may assume that the quote is coming from a sound and biblical source... and journey down that rabbit hole and arrive at the verge of heresy without knowing it. Today a red flag went up when I heard a preacher at a church in town quote from mystic Brother Lawrence. For more on this mystic see here: I have to wonder... why? Is there NO ONE else in the history of Christianity who has spoke on prayer at any length who isn't a heretic? Someone who was not engaged in contemplative practices that are more pagan than Christ-centric? Why is there a desire in ANY way to reconnect with t...