When Disney Channel is no longer for children...
Disney is filth. I am sure many of my readers are thinking "duh we know this..." Yes... yearly they have Gay Week @ Disney World (which is not made public as to when it is... even though Six Flags makes Christian Weekends public)... Yes the cartoon The Proud Family is a left-winged racist show against whites... but what I discovered tonight was worse. A TV-G rated television show called "Life With Derek." What's the problem? An episode entitled "Babe Raider." The main character is seemingly offended that her family (a kind of brady-bunch mix of the father's sons and the mother's daughters) seems to be too "male dominant" and needs some feminine ideals put in place. Examples of this include the playing of the video game "Babe Raider" (direct parody of "Tomb Raider"), and one of the sons having obscene posters of women in "thongs" on his wall (whether or not these are directly shown on camera, the imp...