Call it sin if it's sin... don't lie about it.

The following is a message I sent to someone I've known for several years now. She claims to be a Christian but as a bleeding-heart liberal, she refuses to recognize the need for our government to make laws that go in accordance to what the Bible says about certain issues... primarily gay marriage and the brutal killing of innocent infants known as abortion. She posted a bulletin on Myspace saying "if you believe in gay marriage, repost this and sign at the bottom." When I asked her about it, she explained how she has gay friends and how she feels that God just "wants us to be happy." I replied with the following:

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Romans 1:24-26

you said the homosexual was different from the child molester. really? how? both is sin. do you recognize that homosexuality is sin? It was in OT law and still is today. Why shouldn't we make governing laws that reflect morality? Why go against what God has deemed right and wrong? This is unwise to do so.

You say you want to love others. That's GREAT! We are to love others. If you love someone are you going to tell them the truth? or lie to them? I would hope you would tell them the truth. What is truth? God. Jesus said so himself in John 14:6. He is the way, the truth and the life. So what he says is truth. What God deems as right and wrong, good and evil... really is right, wrong, good, and evil respectively. If this is not the case, then God is a liar.

"If you say to someone, it is okay that you are gay," you are lying to them. You contradict the scriptures and are not being a light in the darkness (Matthew 5:16). You are being like the darkness. The loving thing to do is to tell someone the truth... not just go along with what they say because you want to be liked and not hated or seen as narrow-minded. What is the goal of being a Christian? to get others to like us? to be just a cool-with-everyone friendly person? or to be God's reps here on earth (2 Corinthians 5:20)?

Does God love us the way we are? Yes. But does God want us to stay the way we are? NO! 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION. The old is gone and the new has come. God wants us to not wallow in sin ... thinking it is okay and perfectly cool with God to be gay... or to have an abortion... or to believe in reincarnation. He wants us to die to our old self and become a new creation with Christ as the center of our lives.

So when the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong... or that all life matters to God at conception... if we make laws that contradict statements such as those, we are spitting in God's face. We are saying YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT GOD! WE ARE GOING TO DO IT OUR OWN WAY AND DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY! Such a thing is not loving. If you love God... obey his commandments. John 14:15. Don't teach some false gospel that people can just live how they want and everything between God and them is okay. This is unloving to do so.

Currently listening :
An Octave Above the Original
By Ill Harmonics
Release date: By 26 September, 2000


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