
Showing posts from December, 2006

Sin not eraticated... just replaced.

So I have been dealing with a battle with lust for... oh... probably forever. It started back in 1998 or so when Chris Vroman and his brother John got me to transport some Playboys owned by a kid at our school Eric Paugh from where we found them at the bottom of Dead Man's Hill @ Spanish Lake Park to Chris' house down the street from me. I knew I shouldn't have, but Satan won that battle and I helped them carry 'em. I know I shouldn't have looked once we got them there... but I had the urge to anyway. Man is born evil... it wasn't culturally conditioned for me to sin... it was an inward desire I have due to my sinful nature. Jenny McCarthy was the first one I saw in a Santa layout with puppies. Thankfully, I do not recall many/any details of this. There is a saying that goes something like this: It takes a guy 20 seconds to look at a porn, and 20 years to forget what he saw... or something like that. But thankfully God has stripped me of any real memory...