Let Us Not Neglect the Old Testament

(Originally written in early March, 2012.  The final two paragraphs were written on 6.30.12, to fittingly end the post.)

My wife and I are continuing to read through the entire Bible in chronological order ... to varying degrees of success.  I have already had some milestones, reading some books I had never read completely - including Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  Though I grew up in church, I have yet to read all of God's Word.  Sad state of not only myself but education and chatechesis of Christians.

In reading these books, I did not find them to be at all what I had expected. I was under the impression that these books were dry, without value for the 21st century Christian, and too difficult to "get through."  I don't recall anyone telling me this directly; I arrived at this perception from hearing how others had tried to read the Bible through and got hung up past Exodus.  I am happy to proclaim, however, this was not my experience.  I found the books to be, by and large, very interesting and informative.  Taken as a whole, they show how God truly does rule and reign over his people.  He established laws not arbitrarily but based upon what is in keeping with his nature and character of holiness.  Knowing God's standards shows me, as a Christian, what constitutes a good work and, at the same time, shows me my utter failure to keep his laws perfectly - pointing me to the cross of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

If you have yet to read through the entire Bible... I would really encourage you to do so.  God did not take time to reveal himself to us "for his health", as it were.  God's revelation includes far more than the 27 books of the New Testament.  The Old Testament is also an important part of God's Word, and therefore valuable to the Christian for growing in faith and teaching and instruction.

Don't neglect the older sections of the Holy Bible.  It's amazing how the Old and New Testaments fit so well together.  What an amazing God we serve, faithful to save.


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