To never be a Deacon or an Elder...
Question: Would you join a local congregation knowing you would be excluded from holding either office of deacon or elder? I am asking this question from a complimentarian view. That is, I am against "eldressess" or "pastrixes" and see no biblical support for women holding such roles. While on the topic, I *do* see the capacity of women to hold the role of deaconess. But that is not what I am referring to. The issue is not one of gender requirements; it is one of belief or conviction. I am Reformed (NO! REALLY?!??!). I am also a convinced credobaptist, wishing to bestow the visible sign of the New Covenant to those who are actually members of that covenant - namely those who repent of sin and place their trust in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. Are there false converts? Yes. Credobaptists baptize many many many who are not truly of the the New Covenant, though they profess to be. This is due to our inability to kn...