Answering Objections [Pt 2] : God's Eternality / Origins

//In this series, I look at a few common objections I have received regarding Christianity and attempt to give a defense for the hope that is within me.//

Objection #2:  Everything comes from something, so something had to create God.  God must have an origin.

This goes back to a conversation I’ve heard posed between two children:  “Who  created the trees?” one child asks, to which the second replies “God.”  “Who made the birds?”  “God.”  “Who made God??”  The second child pauses for a bit and replies: “God made himself.”  Cute storey, but the kid needs a bit more time of schooling in the beliefs of the Christian faith.  ;-)  Where did God come from?  He always existed.  If he did not always exist, he would not be God.  Definitionaly, he was not created.   

As dumb as this example sounds… Saying that God was created is like saying there can be an all-green painted room that is colored orange.  I’m sorry if that did not hit the target I was aiming at.  The question itself of who created god implies that God had to be created.  However, he is not part of the created order.  He is creator.  If he had to come from somewhere, he would be part of the creation.  He’s not.  I’m not meaning to argue from authority… only from definition.  Definitionaly, God was not created.  God didn’t “come from nothing.”  He didn’t “come” from anywhere.  He always was; eternal.

Scripture makes God's eternality very clear.  Psalm 90:2 declares:

Before the mountains were brought forth,
        or ever you had formed the earth and the world,
        from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

In Genesis 21:33, Abraham is said to have cried out to "the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God."  In writing his epistle to Timothy, Paul breaks out into a doxology and declares: "To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen." (1 Timothy 1:17)

God has no beginning.  He did not come from anywhere or out of something.  That which is created has origins.  God, as creator, always was, is, and will be.

... more to come...


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