In Search of a Christ-centered Home Church

I need to try... I need to write on this blog more frequently. Lately though, I don't feel like I have that much to contribute any more. However, I want to still serve my Lord and use this blog for his glory.

Of late, I have been trying to search out a home church. Truthfully, I really miss my home church in Springfield, MO of Boulevard Baptist Church. Kacey and I loved attending there. Sadly, we were not as connected as we could/should have been. (Part of that, I think, is because Kacey was baptized as an infant in the United Methodist Church and therefore to be admitted as a member, she would likely have had to be re-baptized.) But we adored the preaching from Pastor Doug Shivers. He truly sought to preach Christ from all of Scripture. You don't seem to get a lot of that today; even when pastors verbally endorse such a practice, this doesn't mean they actually put it into practice much. Pastor Doug did.

Since moving home, I have had a difficult search for a home church. At Pastor Doug's recommendation, I checked out First Baptist Church of St. Peters. The parishioners seemed friendly enough, but it was difficult to gather what the sermon's point really was. I only went once, and never went back... though perhaps I should have given the preaching another shot. More or less, I have been bouncing between The Journey (Hanley Road campus) and Central Presbyterian Church, both in Clayton, MO.

The former is a flagship Acts 29 Church Network congregation, pastored by Darin Patrick, the VP of stated organization. And while I have sat under good teaching at this church, I recognize that on more than one occasion (many more than one) I have heard a social gospel be pushed. I would not say that the church shouldn't help the poor. FAR from it. There seems to be an over-emphasis on the city around the church that can easily lead to social-gospel hype. I don't want a social gospel - because there is no good news in such a works-based theology.

The later is fairly on theologically. Bad sermon here and there? Meh... more like "not awesome"than "bad" as a label. The sermons are also, for what is is worth, preached in more of a lecture fashion. Such it is with Presbys... and I'm still not very used to it. And then finally there is the whole... Presbyterian thing... (lol) While I am reformed, I generally lean more toward a baptist theology when it comes to the role of the covenant and regeneration... and therefore in the purpose and scope of baptism (though I won't really quarrel too much over the mode). (As an aside, in theory I can ignore the baby baptism thing as a minor issue... until I've been confronted with it during a service... a fairly difficult thing for me to sit through and go along with.)

So where do I go from here? I NEED a home church. I do go to church weekly... but I am not in a true community of believers. I have recently been attending a Bible Study in South St. Louis led by good friend Brady Hardin (whom I met on Facebook, actually!) I've been really blessed by this Bible study. Most small group studies ... well MANY of them anyway... are focused around pooling of ignorance. Everyone gets a say, with no real leader. NOT the case with this group. Brady is the group leader... and he preaches sermons, pretty much. We're in 1 John, and I was NOT prepared for it when I first went a few weeks ago. But MAN! He can really preach. Like for real. He and that entire group have been a blessing of fellowship, and I hope will continue to be so. I thank God for my time with them.

Still, a small group is no substitute for community in corporate worship. Why don't I just attend church with them? The 40 or so minute drive is a bit of a reason I think. It is quite a distance to Arnold, MO from where I live in St. Louis. Still, I definitely need a home church.

It isn't like there aren't churches around... but finding a good Christ-centered one can be difficult. The area I live in is ripe for prosperity gospel preaching and how to have your best life this week mini sermon series. There is a church I found recently... NORTH CHURCH here in North County... I found them through the GOSPEL COALITION church finder page (the Sr. Pastor did not even know their church was listed on this page!!), and I hope to visit soon. Actually, the associate pastor is Dave Kuntz... who was on staff at Chatham Bible Church for a number of years. Small world; didn't even know he was an associate pastor. I have subscribed to their podcast, but have yet to listen to a sermon. Maybe this weekend will be a time to check them out.

Reading through the Journey's Bible Reading plan is going fairly well. True, I get behind easily... but am now only 2 days behind. The books of Samuel and Kings are very interesting. Particularly Solomon... the man had such great wisdom from God... and yet compromise was made time and again and as a result he became an idolatrous king, rather than one devoted to YHWH. Idolatry is SUCH an easy snare. We at nature are not only spiritual beings who are designed for worship... we are by nature enemies of the God we ARE to worship. It is so easy, as Christians even, to fall and forsake Christ for idols. Not little statues of false gods necessarily... but anything else that takes the place of our affection that should alone be for God.

Personal confession: I am a geek. One of of my geek attributes is tech-enthusiast. I'm into it a lot. So much so, I will spend hours total looking up reviews for the latest smart phones... or watch unboxings of iPods... or watch product intros for the hottest new laptops.

I am NOT saying that it is a sin to be into tech. NOT at all. The sin comes from when it becomes an idolatrous pursuit, thinking your salvation from your troubles or predicament will be found when you possess the tech gadget. Or book. Or whatever. Idolatry is the root of most sins I'd venture to say... but for me personally, it is one of my biggest sins I must fight and for which I must daily flee to the cross of Christ.

Sorry for the disjointed nature of this post. Again. :-)


  1. You think The Journey is pushing the social gospel and that Patrick is leading that? wow
    I know for a fact that he wrote a chapter on social justice for a new book for the gospel coalition which is forwarded by D.A. Carson.
    Also, read his new book called church planter. He is very clear on the gospel
    Better check your facts.

  2. @Sam - thank you for reading. I can tell you, the first sermon I ever heard preached @ The Journey was preached by Jonathan Mcintosh was so saturated by social gospel that I would never have returned for a second visit if the worship songs and that experience singing hymns in such a fashion had not been so amazing.

    I am not saying that DP doesn't "get" the gospel. Forgive me if that is how it came across as. Propitiation is preached from the pulpit. the sermon on 2Peter 1 that was preached a year or so back was INCREDIBLE and VERY LOUDLY proclaimed Jesus Christ and him crucified.

    Other sermons though seem to be more works-based or social-gospel-ish. Not that the social gospel is replacing the true biblical one... but almost as a secondary issue it is pushed a bit. I'm no antinomian, and I hope I do not come across as such.

    Furthermore, studying with a Roman Catholic mystic and claiming to have learned valuable insights on prayer from the mystic may put me on edge a bit... and I don't think that is such a bad thing that I be concerned about that. Contemplative prayer practices have made sneaky appearances on RESURGENCE (which I generally see as an EXCELLENT resource for both pastor and layperson alike).

    I have not read the new book for the gospel coalition. I will check that out. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. I would also like to point out, I found it rather odd that DP indicated that Hell is bad because it is eternal self-focus ("The Blueprints of Marriage" preached on 10.3.10 @ around 9:10 minutes in). While I won't say that isn't what it is in part, biblically we know that Hell is eternity of God pouring his wrath on unrepentant sinners who hate him. The torment isn't from "self absorption"... it is from God punishing them.

  4. I attended "First Baptist of St. Peters" once, mostly due to the fact that they host the Founder's Conference every year. I actually remember taking a great deal from the sermon that I heard. However, they don't have a kid's church for anyone over kindergarten, which removed them from my list.

    Send me a message when you find a home church. I'll be looking for one in your area in February or March, Lord Willing.


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