Mere Arminianism – Part Six (Lewis’ Liberty Over Election [Pt 1/2])
This continuing series is a look at C.S. Lewis’s views on Predestination and Free Will… Lewis’ Liberty Over Election Turning now to the famed Oxford and Cambridge scholar, what exactly were Lewis’ positions on these highly controversial topics of predestination and free will, Calvinism and Arminianism? While no professional theologian, [1] Lewis was most decidedly an Arminian, though he asserted he held to Anglican theology. [2] In writing Mere Christianity , arguably his most theological work, it was Lewis’ goal to bring out the essentials of the Christian faith – essentials which spanned geographical and denominational boundaries, creating a kind of Christianity 101 . Yet rather than keeping the hallway of his mere Christianity wide enough to include both Calvinistic and Arminian understandings of free will and predestination, the hallway seems to not be big enough for both perspectives. In Book 2: What Christians Believe , specifically Ch. 3: The Shocking Alternative, Lewis begi...