The Cult of Caner

Here is an example of how irrational the followers of Ergan Butch Caner can be.  

This is an exchange I partook in via Facebook with a student who, while claiming to be at least somewhat Reformed, attends Liberty University.

I don’t know if I would believe this mess if I had not been involved in it directly… and even then I am bewildered.  You would think that, just because someone is a “Christian leader”, they get a free pass to lie and do anything they want – and NO ONE can question them when they are caught in their lies!  This is nuts and cult-like at the very least.

(btw… the exchange ended because I was promptly removed from Leah’s friends list, making it impossible for me to reply.)
Facebook Caner Cult
This is nuts!


  1. Fascinating. All substance.

  2. Paul claims to be a Christian leader. Yet he wants to 'erase' you because you say one thing he doesn't like.

    That may be worse than Leah's ignorance.


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