Having been asked about my thoughts about homosexuality…
Recently I was catching up with a somewhat lost friend from my days at Larimore Elementary and Kirby Jr. High via email correspondence. The conversation went fairly quickly from the likes of "how are you? where you you working these days?" to "what are your thoughts/feelings about homosexuality and those who are practicing homosexuals?" hah. that's quite a jump. But then again, as theologically minded as I am... I thought I’d give it a shot… and post my response here.
Question: “What are your feelings about gay people?”
First, I think i should state what my views are not: my views are NOT those of the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas... the rude "congregation" of "christians" who protest the funerals of dead service men and women and homosexuals holding signs that read "God Hates Fags." Such a view/practice is very sad and unbalanced in its view of God's holiness AND his loving kindness/mercy/grace. That church only preaches "turn from your sin, asswipe!" (paraphrasing, of course), but there is NO (and I have heard interviews with the daughter of the "pastor", and have a copy of it on mp3, where this is confirmed) proclamation of the good news of Christ's perfect lived life, death on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin in our stead and resurrection on the third day. They do not proclaim this... and therefore, by default, cannot even begin to be classified as "Christian". So... just so we're on the same page... that "God Hates Fags" group does NOT represent me... b/c I am very much a Christian and they are not. :-)
Now that what I don't think is out of the way... well there will be more comparisons to what I do and don't think/believe/ know is true.... but that will be dispersed throughout I suppose...
This question begs me to ask another question - one of clarification: What do you mean by "what are my feelings about gay people?" The use of "feelings" is not something I'd prefer to talk about - I care more about truth. I can feel a cup is red all day... but if it is blue, not red, then my feelings on the matter aren't worth much. but that is a minor issue. But about what my thoughts/feelings are... what do you mean by this? You could mean several things - what do I think about homosexuality, in general? what do I think about those who are attracted to the same sex - yet do not give into these passions? what about the act of gay sex? and what do I think about practicing homosexuals - ie: gay sex? the question may intend to cover all of these bases, but these are very different questions.
As I view the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God, I think consulting it may prove useful to know where I do come from. As far as the act of engaging in homosexual activities - especially gay sex, though it may also include gay dating and affection (kissing, etc) shown toward the member of the same sex - it is clearly a sin from the biblical perspective. The apostle Paul lists it twice within lists of specific sins in both Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6, along with idolatry, adultery, drunkenness, greed, theft, and others. These all are actions that actively break God's holy (set-apart) moral law. They are all deserving of condemnation and sentencing from a just judge (God).
Note also that homosexuality is not the worst sin, is is popularly understood by some. In Proverbs when God spells out the "7 things the Lord detests," homosexuality is no where to be found on that list even. I am not saying homosexuality is not a better sin... but it is not the unpardonable sin either - it is not unforgivable.
Furthermore, I think it could be argued, accurately and biblically, that the sin of homosexuality is NOT the attraction one may have to another of the same sex... or the presence of temptation to engage in gay sexual activity. Temptation to sin is not sin. I may be tempted to have sex outside of marriage - but the fact that I am tempted does not mean I am guilty of adultery. Temptation to commit theft does not make me a thief. Likewise, for the homosexual, the temptation to engage in gay sexual activity is not the sin of homosexuality.
So yes... gay sex (and other such activities) is seen biblically as breaking God's moral law. This is the view I hold - it is sin.
As I mentioned earlier, it is not the unpardonable sin, either. And if the unrepentant homosexual dies in his or her sin, there is judgment for that sin, b/c God, being a just judge, cannot let crimes go unpunished - this is not justice. Likewise, if I were to die in an unrepentant state (even though I have never engaged in homosexuality, God knows I'm guilty of lying, petty theft, adultery (via lust) and murder (via hatred for another) of the heart. And I would deserve every bit of the wrath against me and my sin that I would receive for my actions. BUT ... and this is the good news ... because of God's love and mercy, while I was still steeped in my sin, Christ died for me as a substitute in my place - God took the wrath that was being stored up against me and poured it out on Christ at the cross. Furthermore, Christ takes the perfect life he lived and credits it to my account in my stead. I did nothing to save myself - it was all of Christ's perfect work on my behalf. And this offer of forgiveness for sin and newness of life is offered to any who would respond by turning from their sin (repentance) and trusting in Christ's perfect work to save them on their behalf (faith).
So yeah... I see homosexuality (gay sex, etc) as a sin... but the good news is that Christ died even for that sin, and his forgiveness is offered to any and all who trust in him. It is not the unpardonable sin, though. And as far as the person attracted to the same sex - whether or not they have gay sex or not - I care about that person and desire that person repent and trust in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins - all of them. If I didn't care (or worse, hated the homosexual), I would keep the good news to myself and want them to go to Hell. But this is not the case. I truly desire to see them as the Bible describes "born again" (Jn 3)
The individual who posed this question to me thought it important to mention she has gay friends. I work with quite a few gay individuals - and while I would not consider them best friends, I do not consider them enemies. I have a family member who is both a Christian and attracted to the same sex - though this individual does not engage in any form of homosexual activity - sex, dating the same sex, etc. And I do consider this individual to be one of my closest friends out of all my friends.
I hope none of it came off as smug or holier-than-though. that was not my intention in writing what I did at all. I know very well that I am not holier than you or anyone. In fact, I'm pretty sure I may be the worst person I know. But my set-apart-ness (holiness) comes not from me or anything I do... but it is all from the finished work of Christ for my account. :-) So yeah... I'm not holier-than-anyone or self-righteous at ALL.
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