
Showing posts from March, 2010

Four Views On The End - Timelines

Recently Vimeo user Puritan Reformed posted several videos giving an easy-to-understand look at the timelines involved in each of the four main eschatological systems:  Premillenarianism, Dispensational Premillenarianism, Postmillenarianism, and Amillenarianism.  They give a good basic look at each view, and I thought it would be beneficial to share. Premillenial Timeline Premillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo . Dispensational Premillennial Timeline * Dispensational Premillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo . Postmillennial Timeline Postmillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo . Amillennial Timeline ** Amillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo . I hope you found these insightful.  Thanks to Puritan Reformed for posting them!! *This is the view represented by Tim LaHaye and the Left Behind books/movies ** This is the view that I find to be the most biblical.  For a further look into Amil...

Christian faith: five points of New Calvinism (from the christian science monitor)

Two Calvinist-themed articles were posted today @ the Christian Science Monitor.  I will copy and paste the first... and then link to the 2nd tomorrow with some of my favorite quotes. // From total depravity to grace, the tenets of a theology undergoing a revival of Calvinism in America's Christian faith. By Josh Burek / March 27, 2010 Calvinism generally refers to five doctrinal points – Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the saints (or TULIP) – that were established after John Calvin died. Scholar Allen Guelzo, putting his interpretation on TULIP, says the doctrines explain the most basic questions any theology or philosophy can ask:   •Why are people the way they are? Total depravity – you're fully corrupted by sin. •How can people ever change? Unconditional election – God ch...

Faith + Works of the Law = Severed from Christ (A look @ Galatians 5, its meaning in context, and how the TNIV/NIV muddies the meanings yet again)

The more and more I try to like the TNIV, the more and more I find that I dislike it.  And the more I discover I dislike it, the more I realize that my disdain is not limited merely to the TNIV… but extends to the Evangelical’s favored version: the NIV. A while back, I published a brief article on one of the many reasons someone should avoid (or rather use with caution) Today’s New International Version.  After I hit the PUBLISH button, I thought I should double-check and see if the same translation error made in the TNIV was present in the NIV.  It was.  So today when I encountered yet another translation biff, I decided to check in advance.  And guess what – it was poorly translated both in the TNIV and NIV.  At least I know in advance.  Now once again, I am not accusing anyone who uses the NIV (or even the TNIV) of being a heretic.  It is, after all, a translation of God’s Word.  Neither the NIV nor the TNIV are among the absolute WORST...

Some GOOD Podcasts Worth Listening To (Pt 1: Sermons)

I can remember my first real exposure to podcasting.  It was back in 2005 if I am remembering correctly -- for some reason I was with my brother in his van (at the time), driving.... somewhere in Florissant.  And I remembered my brother was playing his iPod over the stereo system via tape-deck adapter.  I was listening to someone talking about Dan Brown's book The DaVinci Code, which was being released as a major motion picture right around that time.  I inquired what we were listening to (I don't remember if I made it seem like I was bored in doing so - I would have rather been listening to music at the time, but I became interested the more I listened) and my brother described what I would later realize as being a podcast. Ah... podcasting.  No, your iPod (or Zune) is not JUST for listening to music on.  Personally, I have grown in the faith and in maturity QUITE A BIT due to teachings I've heard from podcasts.  Theological shows and sermons alike ha...

Common salvation equation fail... and the correction

FAIL: Jesus' work on the cross + repentance+faith ≠ my salvation. WIN: Jesus' work on the cross = my salvation --> repentance+faith.

Currently Reading: "How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth"

I do not read as much as I should.  That is probably true for a large part of my demographic... I am easily distracted by technology and blogs.  I can devote over an hour to a good sermon, sure.  But blocking out time to read is very difficult.  It is also troublesome for me to retain what I read.  Most of what I learn I do get from podcasts and sermons.... but I KNOW that I'd be able to retain MORE if I could retain from what I read.   That's outa the way. I was recently listening to an episode of Fighting For The Faith in which Rosebrough was playing a lecture from respected New Testament scholar Gordon Fee .  The lecture was on studying the Bible and how to do so properly.  It was a very well done lecture and I knew rather quickly I would want to read Fee's book:  How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth . And I must say, so far, I am very pleased with my experience in the book. I am only on chapter 4... but I am already learning a l...

Does God Save Every Baby Who Dies In Infancy?

Would you think God as more gracious if you knew that babies who die in infancy go to Heaven ? Would you think him less gracious if that they went to Hell ? Does not God deserve our glory and honor and praise either way? Whatever God decides to do in this case, it is just and good because God is just and good .