Striving to proclaim & defend biblical truth and yet NOT be a grade-A jerk in the process

1 Peter 3:13-17 (ESV, emphasis added)
Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil.

I wish I could remember 100% the quote I am about to reference, but I do not really know where to begin to look for it. I know it was said by the guys who are on The White Horse Inn--one of my favorite podcasts to date. Though I will be unable to regurgitate the quote word-for-word, the essence will be there.

The best thing to do to someone who has JUST become Reformed (aka Calvinist) in his or her theology is to immediately lock them up for a period of time, so they can work out the rest of their theology and mature in the faith without killing anyone.

You know, the more I tried to remember EXACTLY what was said and write that, the more I realized I pretty much mangled the exact words. Like I said, it would not be verbatim. But the point is there.

Now you may be wondering why I, a Reformed Christian/Calvinist (basically a mix between Presbyterian & Baptist... a "Baptistyrian"), would desire to have been incarcerated for an undisclosed period of time after my acceptance of the truths established by the Word of God, brought back to light in the Reformation. It seems to go against conventional wisdom and desire. If someone has just been given the TRUTH, should he not shout it for all to hear, regardless of the form this proclamation takes and is perceived?

No. Well, not exactly. We SHOULD be proclaiming the truth--the gospel BOLDLY. We are assured of this gospel not merely through some supernatural experience or a perceived "burning in the bosom" but by the Word of God itself. We, as Christians, place our hope in nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. We repent of our sinful ways which are part of our nature and fling ourselves upon the mercy displayed by Christ Jesus at the cross. We go and proclaim this message, that God uses our foolish proclamation to call his sheep to himself.

We proclaim boldly. This does not mean we be jerks in the process. This is something I have been growing in and am still continuing to grow in during this process of sanctification I think.

A friend of mine, an Evangelical Christian and fellow Religious Studies major, once shared some of his thoughts as to why I have had trouble getting along with other professing Christians in the past. Specifically noting a tendency to drive some outright away. This brother in Christ did not miens words with me: "Ryan, you flat out used to be a jerk about theology and religion." When I would later share this with another friend, she agreed that I had an air of jerkness about me.

At the time I learned this, I did not really want to consider it. ME? A JERK ABOUT THEOLOGY? I honestly was outraged to be accused of such a thing! I was the one proclaiming truth and attempting to be discerning with great fervor... not feeding off of Emergent theology, Rick Warren, or spreading Osteenisms. I wanted the Church to be Christ-driven, not "purpose-driven." I stressed the need to be aware of Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, and Doug Paggit. These men did not proclaim the biblical gospel, but heretical lies... and I would quote a fairly accurate translation of Galatians 1:9: "If anyone preaches a different gospel, to Hell with him!" The error came not with what I was saying, but the manner in which I was saying it.

As Christians, we are to "give a defense for the hope that lies within us." Certainly, YES! This is done too little in 21st century American Christianity. As Sola Scriptura is attacked by the "progressive Christians" and the way is paved for a man-centered "Christless Christianity", too few today have a smidgen of discernment needed to tend to the sheep... much less SHOOT THE WOLVES that would devour the sheep! Truth is to be proclaimed. But in what manner is this truth to be proclaimed? Is it to be proclaimed in a manner that is hot-headed and ill tempered? Certainly not... for the fruits of the Spirit include patience, kindness, gentleness AND self-control. And as Peter wrote in his first inspired letter, we are to give this defense "with gentleness and respect." This is what I have had a habit of not displaying--the proclamation of truth "with gentleness and respect."

So then, going back to the previously mentioned quote, WHY should Calvinists be locked up for a period of time? Because upon realizing the truth of God's sovereignty, man's depravity, and God's divine election, there can easily be a stint of ... anger. Anger at the church for not properly proclaiming the gospel of salvation by Grace through faith ALONE. Anger at the pastor for preaching a gospel of God's work + man's effort in choosing to accept the gift of Jesus, denying God's sovereignty in election and glorifying a misunderstanding of man's "freedom of choice" as "freedom of will." Anger that the whole of biblical truth was not proclaimed because the message of free man being subject to a Sovereign is unfamiliar and incredibly unpopular in America today. Anger that the truth of God's Word in respect to man's total depravity and God's sovereign election of his own people was glazed over from the pulpit. I certainly can ascribe to having felt these feelings of anger over what I was taught in a megaChurch that cares more about appealing to the unregenerate sinner than pleasing a Holy God in the manner the Word is preached.

And while this anger was and can be/is a righteous anger... a GOOD reason to be angry/frustrated with the condition of "American Christianity," my own reaction has been unbiblical. Yes congregations and pastors/life-coaches sin when they abuse, mangle, and twist the Scriptures... using the Word of God as fortune cookie statements to aid in life improvement. And I also sin in my response when that response is that of a complete jerk. Responding in harsh manners to those who read certain books or use BAD "bibles" (Message, CEV, NLT, etc). When I learn someone is reading _____________, I should respond with a kind, "I see. What about that do you like? Do we find this in Scripture?" NOT with an angry, "WHAT?! WHAT THE CRAP IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!! WHY WOULD YOU READ HIM--ARE YOU AN IDIOT OR SOMETHING???!!!!!"

This less-than-godly response to those who are subjecting themselves to bad teachers is sinful. And it may have been better to, upon submitting to the doctrines of Grace, have been whisked to some tower, where I would continue to study God's Word, get over my jerkness phase, and be ready and willing to respond biblical to those who are in a position that I myself was in, not four years ago. I too was into Purpose-Driven poo not too long ago... just 4 or 5 years ago really. That's all. God saved me out of that BAD theology. I should be less quick to look at a follower of these bad teachers and write the follower off as "heretic," as they may not know better at this point. I am sure that I do NOT have total biblical discernment (despite what I may let on... lol). God has brought me to where I am now in discerning truth from error and heresy over the course of a few years. I do not know what God is doing along those lines in my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

This does not mean we are to back down from the truth. Rich Warren is in error, and needs to be confronted. Joel Osteen is in error, and needs to be confronted. Rob Bell... Tony Campolo... Brian McLaren... Tony Jones... Max Lucado... Joyce Meyer... Benny Hinn... the Pope... the Mormon Church... these are those who are in error and need to be confronted. Their teachings are often false and must be challenged. Even Evangelical "hero" Billy Graham preaches a "wider-mercy" view of Salvation... a dressed up version of Universalism, believing men and women are saved by God though they never repent of their sin and place their trust for salvation in Christ Jesus' redemptive work on the cross. [This is not made up... click here to watch the video on YouTube about this.] Where there is error proclaimed and false gospels preached, the GOSPEL MUST BE PROCLAIMED. The Word must be preached and the wolves be exposed and be taken care of (even "shot" so-to-speak)! I do not deny nor will I ever deny, by God's grace, that the error and heresies of the past, of our day, and of the future MUST be addressed.

I also stress however, as God has been teaching me through His Word and the teaching of Godly preachers, there is a wrong way to go about doing this-- to be a jerk in the process. It is difficult when I get SO angry by heresy... SO ANGRY by the American Christianity we see today, which does not proclaim Christ and Him crucified. But even in my anger, I should not sin. And I have found many of my responses in the past to such errors HAVE been very sinful. It may have been better for me to have been locked away until I learned to be gentle and respectful than to have shot my mouth off so frequently as I have in the past.

Thankfully though... this close friend of mine and Kacey have seemed to indicate that while I was a jerk about it more in the past... they have seen improvement. I do not come across as much of a jerk as I have in the past... by the grace of God. I am thankful for this, and I hope to be able to continue in my serving God by proclaiming truth... yet doing it with gentleness and respect for others.



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