Abortion, God, Man, and the Gospel of Christ’s Atonement
The following is a slightly-altered response I made to someone on Facebook… concerning the topics of abortion, sin, the nature of God, and man’s need for a Savior. I hope it is a blessing to those who read it.
I have heard the desires to make exceptions when it comes to abortion for cases of rape or incest. However, there is still a fundamental issue: There is a living human being inside of the mother, with DNA and a heartbeat distinct from the mother's own. Is rape a horrible crime and sin? YES. However, I think it is just as much of a crime/sin to slaughter the unborn child that results. Truth be told, pregnancies resulting from rape are less common than those resulting from Tom and Linda not being able to keep it in their pants. I would say the child deserves to live either way. Adoption is always an option. the 9 month journey is difficult, but having the blood of the innocent on the mother's hands is far worse.
"What about if the mother's life is in danger and the mother will die?" Well, I do not say that is an abortion. That is worded wrong. When that is the case, we do EVERYTHING we can to save both lives... and if in the process of saving the life of the mother we lose the child, we mourn for that child. Also, many would just LIE and say they were raped to get permission to kill their child. So yes, I am very anti-abortion and I support a constitutional amendment to ban it nation-wide. Will there be back-ally abortions? perhaps. I think though far fewer women would go through with abortions KNOWING the risks of back-alley abortions... look at the jump abortions took when Roe passed... suddenly women who wouldn't risk a back-ally one were now getting them. the numbers would, likewise, drop if it was suddenly made illegal. "People will still get them anyway." Yes, maybe... but people will ALWAYS break the law... people will speed and always go 10 miles over the limit, so let's not have a limit. People will always go ahead anyway and do meth... so let's make meth legal. it's not the best argumentation. BTW... I believe women (and EVERYONE) have rights. I do not support some groups having SPECIAL rights or higher-priority rights. Which is why I believe the unborn have a right to live.
Now... on to the issue of sin...
Would "God create something he wasn't proud of?" Well, no. In the beginning, he did not create anything he was unproud of. Every day of creation God said two things: "Let there be," and "It is good." However, this was only in creating paradise for humanity to originally dwell in. There was no sin... no fall of man at this point. There was no rape... there was no theft... there was no homosexuality... there was no murder. There essentially was no creation of evil or sin. Prior to man's disobedience, it would seem he was not inclined to sin (I hesitate to say MORE about Adam's nature prior to the fall... as Scripture is rather silent on this issue). However since the fall, since man's sin, his nature has been tainted since. Man is not created basically good or neutral (as it could be argued Adam and Eve were)... but rather we are all born as sinful creatures... spiritually dead, as the Bible describes us (Eph 2:1-3, Col 2:13)... unable to do what is good. We are, within us, plain bad (Gen 6:6:5-6, Gen 8:21, Psalm 51:5).
WAIT? Am I saying something was created that was not created by God? Not really. Evil or sin is not a THING. It isn't really an object. For more on this question "Did God create evil" I would direct you to a short article here: http://www.gotquestions.org/did-God-create-evil.html
What of us being made in the image of God?
I would direct you to http://voxpopnetwork.com/vision/2008/04/20/image-god-loves/#more-64 It is a bit longer than the other link I sent, but it goes into the question of "What does it mean to be made in the image of God." It doesn't mean we look physically like God. Or that we are sinless in our current state. What does it mean? BRIEFLY...
* Moral likenesses – decision-making power, dominion over lower creation, social ability, emotions, communication, etc.
* Non-moral likenesses – intellect/reason, immortal, spirit, ability to create, etc.
We have a moral likeness... we can make decisions, we have a conscience God gave us to understand basic ideas of right and wrong... we show love for others, etc. Again, there are other ways, but it does not mean we never sin. Remember, we are inclined to sin because of our human nature. I would think it may be correct (don't quote me on this) to say that while we are still in the image of God, that image has been stained up a bit by sin.
This brings me to something you said earlier: "God created you, and you're good." You think I am good? lol either 1) you don't know me that well or 2) your standards of "good" are less than stellar and accurate (no offense).
I used to think I was good, really. Then I saw what it meant to be good. And I am NOT a good person. And I'm guessing, if you are anything like every human being, you aren't doing so hot either. If we look at what it means to be good by God's standards... I fall terribly short. (I would encourage you to also examine yourself likewise in this exercise.) Have I ever told a lie? Heck yes. Many times. What do you call someone who lies?-- a liar. Have I ever stolen anything? Yes. Someone who steals things is called... a thief. I've taken God's name and used it as a cuss word... that's blaspheme. I've looked at someone with lust... in Matthew 5, God labels that as having committed adultery of the heart. I've only gone through what... 4 of the 10 laws ... and I've broken all of them. I am not a good person. I'm a lying, thieving, blasphemous adulterer at heart. I'm a law breaker. On the day of judgment, I would not be found innocent, I'd be found guilty. I have broken the laws, and deserve to be punished and sent where law-breakers go: Hell. I utterly deserve Hell, because I sin against a Holy God.
But the good news is this: 2,000 years ago God became a man--Jesus Christ, and provided himself as an atonement for the sin of man. Jesus was the blood sacrifice that was needed to pay the penalty for sin. God could not just look at me and simply say "You are forgiven, you are free to go to Heaven." This would not be just. Imagine an earthly judge saying that to a man who raped and murdered a 10 year old girl... would that judge be a just judge? no, he'd be corrupt! Law breakers need to pay for the crimes they commit. this is justice. someone has to pay the debt our crimes against God demand-- and Jesus Christ alone is that sufficient sacrifice. He paid the debt so man need not pay the debt in Hell. An eternity in Hell may SEEM to be unfair to us for sins committed in this finite life... but believe me, it only SEEMS that way. It seems that way because we do not, in our sinful state, have the ability to comprehend how HOLY God is, and how HORRIBLE and wretched sin is.
This work Christ paid on the cross to atone for sin is freely offered to ALL who repent--that is, turn from sin, and believe the good news of Christ, placing their trust/faith in his saving work. Not mental agreement that Jesus died, but placing trust in the finished work of Christ. If you jump out of a plane, you do not simply acknowledge the parachute exists... you place your trust in it and put it on. Likewise, anyone who turns from their life of sin and "puts on" the work accomplished by Christ Jesus in his death and resurrection is "Born Again" (Jn 3:3).
Also, it is of utter importance that Christ is the only way, truth and life. no one comes to the Father but through Him (Jn 14:6). There are not many paths... there is only one, paved by the blood of Christ, which covers sin and takes it away.
You may say you do not believe in a wrathful God. However, God is a God of Wrath-- Psalm 5:5, Rom 1:18, Rom 5:9, Eph 2:3. He is a JUST God, and he must punish evildoers, otherwise he would not be just. At the same time, God is a God of mercy, providing salvation through the finished work of Christ to all who will receive it. This idea that is so prevalent in American Post-modern Christianity that "Jesus loves you JUST the way you are" is really wrong. Does God love us? Yes. But it isn't some pampering, God-will-wipe-our-butts-for-us-and-he-can't-get-enough-of-us kind of love. It is a perfecting love... a love that brings about the salvation of man, desiring man to be in right relationship with Him. God is a God of Wrath. And of Justice. And of Mercy. These are not contradictory, and are all attributes of God. To cling to the Bible verse that says "God is love" while rejecting ALL other verses about the nature and attributes of the Holy God is irresponsible. How is it we'd cling to the part about "love" but nothing else?
God has a common love and common grace for creation. He gives us our breath, food to eat, water to drink, a place to lay our heads, etc. He was responsible for you not getting hit by a bus today just before you logged into Facebook. However, his specific love and mercies are only for those who repent and believe in the Savior's work.
I would say this though in closing: have there been wars fought in the name of Christianity? YES. Have there been scandals by some men and women who claim to be His followers? Yes. This is a sad fact. However, if some random person came up to me and kicked me in the gonads... and I asked WHY DID YOU DO THAT??? and they responded "because I love and obey [you, the reader]!", EVEN THOUGH you do NOT know them at all, do not have a relationship with them, and they do not know anything about who you are... Would it then be fair for me to say "I HATE [you, the reader]!"? Surely not. Likewise... don't be quick to make a judgment on Jesus based upon the actions of some who CLAIM to be his followers. Just a final thought. Hope you made it to the end. if you did, you get a prize. This half-empty red pen i am looking at on my desk. YAY! :-P
I hope your fall break is a safe one. :-) Thank you for indulging me in (hopefully) reading this.
I have heard the desires to make exceptions when it comes to abortion for cases of rape or incest. However, there is still a fundamental issue: There is a living human being inside of the mother, with DNA and a heartbeat distinct from the mother's own. Is rape a horrible crime and sin? YES. However, I think it is just as much of a crime/sin to slaughter the unborn child that results. Truth be told, pregnancies resulting from rape are less common than those resulting from Tom and Linda not being able to keep it in their pants. I would say the child deserves to live either way. Adoption is always an option. the 9 month journey is difficult, but having the blood of the innocent on the mother's hands is far worse.
"What about if the mother's life is in danger and the mother will die?" Well, I do not say that is an abortion. That is worded wrong. When that is the case, we do EVERYTHING we can to save both lives... and if in the process of saving the life of the mother we lose the child, we mourn for that child. Also, many would just LIE and say they were raped to get permission to kill their child. So yes, I am very anti-abortion and I support a constitutional amendment to ban it nation-wide. Will there be back-ally abortions? perhaps. I think though far fewer women would go through with abortions KNOWING the risks of back-alley abortions... look at the jump abortions took when Roe passed... suddenly women who wouldn't risk a back-ally one were now getting them. the numbers would, likewise, drop if it was suddenly made illegal. "People will still get them anyway." Yes, maybe... but people will ALWAYS break the law... people will speed and always go 10 miles over the limit, so let's not have a limit. People will always go ahead anyway and do meth... so let's make meth legal. it's not the best argumentation. BTW... I believe women (and EVERYONE) have rights. I do not support some groups having SPECIAL rights or higher-priority rights. Which is why I believe the unborn have a right to live.
Now... on to the issue of sin...
Would "God create something he wasn't proud of?" Well, no. In the beginning, he did not create anything he was unproud of. Every day of creation God said two things: "Let there be," and "It is good." However, this was only in creating paradise for humanity to originally dwell in. There was no sin... no fall of man at this point. There was no rape... there was no theft... there was no homosexuality... there was no murder. There essentially was no creation of evil or sin. Prior to man's disobedience, it would seem he was not inclined to sin (I hesitate to say MORE about Adam's nature prior to the fall... as Scripture is rather silent on this issue). However since the fall, since man's sin, his nature has been tainted since. Man is not created basically good or neutral (as it could be argued Adam and Eve were)... but rather we are all born as sinful creatures... spiritually dead, as the Bible describes us (Eph 2:1-3, Col 2:13)... unable to do what is good. We are, within us, plain bad (Gen 6:6:5-6, Gen 8:21, Psalm 51:5).
WAIT? Am I saying something was created that was not created by God? Not really. Evil or sin is not a THING. It isn't really an object. For more on this question "Did God create evil" I would direct you to a short article here: http://www.gotquestions.org/did-God-create-evil.html
What of us being made in the image of God?
I would direct you to http://voxpopnetwork.com/vision/2008/04/20/image-god-loves/#more-64 It is a bit longer than the other link I sent, but it goes into the question of "What does it mean to be made in the image of God." It doesn't mean we look physically like God. Or that we are sinless in our current state. What does it mean? BRIEFLY...
* Moral likenesses – decision-making power, dominion over lower creation, social ability, emotions, communication, etc.
* Non-moral likenesses – intellect/reason, immortal, spirit, ability to create, etc.
We have a moral likeness... we can make decisions, we have a conscience God gave us to understand basic ideas of right and wrong... we show love for others, etc. Again, there are other ways, but it does not mean we never sin. Remember, we are inclined to sin because of our human nature. I would think it may be correct (don't quote me on this) to say that while we are still in the image of God, that image has been stained up a bit by sin.
This brings me to something you said earlier: "God created you, and you're good." You think I am good? lol either 1) you don't know me that well or 2) your standards of "good" are less than stellar and accurate (no offense).
I used to think I was good, really. Then I saw what it meant to be good. And I am NOT a good person. And I'm guessing, if you are anything like every human being, you aren't doing so hot either. If we look at what it means to be good by God's standards... I fall terribly short. (I would encourage you to also examine yourself likewise in this exercise.) Have I ever told a lie? Heck yes. Many times. What do you call someone who lies?-- a liar. Have I ever stolen anything? Yes. Someone who steals things is called... a thief. I've taken God's name and used it as a cuss word... that's blaspheme. I've looked at someone with lust... in Matthew 5, God labels that as having committed adultery of the heart. I've only gone through what... 4 of the 10 laws ... and I've broken all of them. I am not a good person. I'm a lying, thieving, blasphemous adulterer at heart. I'm a law breaker. On the day of judgment, I would not be found innocent, I'd be found guilty. I have broken the laws, and deserve to be punished and sent where law-breakers go: Hell. I utterly deserve Hell, because I sin against a Holy God.
But the good news is this: 2,000 years ago God became a man--Jesus Christ, and provided himself as an atonement for the sin of man. Jesus was the blood sacrifice that was needed to pay the penalty for sin. God could not just look at me and simply say "You are forgiven, you are free to go to Heaven." This would not be just. Imagine an earthly judge saying that to a man who raped and murdered a 10 year old girl... would that judge be a just judge? no, he'd be corrupt! Law breakers need to pay for the crimes they commit. this is justice. someone has to pay the debt our crimes against God demand-- and Jesus Christ alone is that sufficient sacrifice. He paid the debt so man need not pay the debt in Hell. An eternity in Hell may SEEM to be unfair to us for sins committed in this finite life... but believe me, it only SEEMS that way. It seems that way because we do not, in our sinful state, have the ability to comprehend how HOLY God is, and how HORRIBLE and wretched sin is.
This work Christ paid on the cross to atone for sin is freely offered to ALL who repent--that is, turn from sin, and believe the good news of Christ, placing their trust/faith in his saving work. Not mental agreement that Jesus died, but placing trust in the finished work of Christ. If you jump out of a plane, you do not simply acknowledge the parachute exists... you place your trust in it and put it on. Likewise, anyone who turns from their life of sin and "puts on" the work accomplished by Christ Jesus in his death and resurrection is "Born Again" (Jn 3:3).
Also, it is of utter importance that Christ is the only way, truth and life. no one comes to the Father but through Him (Jn 14:6). There are not many paths... there is only one, paved by the blood of Christ, which covers sin and takes it away.
You may say you do not believe in a wrathful God. However, God is a God of Wrath-- Psalm 5:5, Rom 1:18, Rom 5:9, Eph 2:3. He is a JUST God, and he must punish evildoers, otherwise he would not be just. At the same time, God is a God of mercy, providing salvation through the finished work of Christ to all who will receive it. This idea that is so prevalent in American Post-modern Christianity that "Jesus loves you JUST the way you are" is really wrong. Does God love us? Yes. But it isn't some pampering, God-will-wipe-our-butts-for-us-and-he-can't-get-enough-of-us kind of love. It is a perfecting love... a love that brings about the salvation of man, desiring man to be in right relationship with Him. God is a God of Wrath. And of Justice. And of Mercy. These are not contradictory, and are all attributes of God. To cling to the Bible verse that says "God is love" while rejecting ALL other verses about the nature and attributes of the Holy God is irresponsible. How is it we'd cling to the part about "love" but nothing else?
God has a common love and common grace for creation. He gives us our breath, food to eat, water to drink, a place to lay our heads, etc. He was responsible for you not getting hit by a bus today just before you logged into Facebook. However, his specific love and mercies are only for those who repent and believe in the Savior's work.
I would say this though in closing: have there been wars fought in the name of Christianity? YES. Have there been scandals by some men and women who claim to be His followers? Yes. This is a sad fact. However, if some random person came up to me and kicked me in the gonads... and I asked WHY DID YOU DO THAT??? and they responded "because I love and obey [you, the reader]!", EVEN THOUGH you do NOT know them at all, do not have a relationship with them, and they do not know anything about who you are... Would it then be fair for me to say "I HATE [you, the reader]!"? Surely not. Likewise... don't be quick to make a judgment on Jesus based upon the actions of some who CLAIM to be his followers. Just a final thought. Hope you made it to the end. if you did, you get a prize. This half-empty red pen i am looking at on my desk. YAY! :-P
I hope your fall break is a safe one. :-) Thank you for indulging me in (hopefully) reading this.
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