To the liberal "chritians"...

You say you are a Christian... And you are really going to vote for Clinton? Or Obama?

Really? Wow.

I didn't know you cared so LITTLE for those defenseless children slaughtered by the hundreds daily in abortion clinics. I thought the godly thing to do is take care of those who are defensless-- including the unborn babies.

I also didn't know you supported the government steeling money from hard-working Americans and giving it to those who do not really work as hard and are addicted to crack as opposed to actually working-- what man was placed on Earth to do by God.

I also didn't know you cared so little about national security-- I hope the terrorists don't blow us up if your Obama or Clinton gets in office. 'Cause both would be too weak and pull out, allowing the bad guys to blow us up.

Have fun with that.

Don't put your trust in Big Government. That is idolitary! Our hope SHOULD be built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Dare not trust the sweetest frame but ONLY lean on JESUS' NAME.

Is your solid rock big government that wants to slaughter babies, steel from the rich and give to the lazy, and who will not protect us from those who want to blow us up?

Again... good luck with that.


  1. It's spelled 'steal' -not 'steel'. And it is my firm belief that Christians like you, who bash anything not of their own beliefs, that cause non-Christians to run as far as they can from church. I would too if being a Christian meant acting like you.

  2. anonymous... were you just BASHING MY beliefs? of course not... that'd be hypocritical of you to do so.

    i don't "bash anything not my own beliefs"... i am critical of things that are not Truth.


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