Faith + Works of the Law = Severed from Christ (A look @ Galatians 5, its meaning in context, and how the TNIV/NIV muddies the meanings yet again)
The more and more I try to like the TNIV, the more and more I find that I dislike it. And the more I discover I dislike it, the more I realize that my disdain is not limited merely to the TNIV… but extends to the Evangelical’s favored version: the NIV. A while back, I published a brief article on one of the many reasons someone should avoid (or rather use with caution) Today’s New International Version. After I hit the PUBLISH button, I thought I should double-check and see if the same translation error made in the TNIV was present in the NIV. It was. So today when I encountered yet another translation biff, I decided to check in advance. And guess what – it was poorly translated both in the TNIV and NIV. At least I know in advance. Now once again, I am not accusing anyone who uses the NIV (or even the TNIV) of being a heretic. It is, after all, a translation of God’s Word. Neither the NIV nor the TNIV are among the absolute WORST...
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