Doctrines of Grace Pt 1

Doctrine Of Election

Our salvation is secure to the end because our salvation was predestined in the very begining to be completed (Philippians 1:6)

Romans 8:28-30

Election is disturbing for many-- they think the doctrine calls into question the goodness of God. This view, they say, makes God a tyrant, a monster; it resists evangelism and creates a small-hearted God, and makes us mere robots. They think somehow election is "unfair" and "unjust." BUT... God is NOT to be measured by our understanding on what is "just"! Our understanding of virtually everything is wrapped and affected ,in some way, by our sinfulness. Psalm 50:21 -- God is NOT like us. Isaiah 55:8 -- His ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than ours. God has thoughts that to us seem incomprehensible.

God's nature is holy, is just, flawless, and is perfect. He IS perfection. So whatever he says is just is what justice is. What is behind his justice? -- His own free will. Whatever it is he wills is, by definition, is just. He does not will it because it is just, it is just because he wills it. How could God be called "unjust" to save some, when NONE deserve to be saved. We do not want "fairness"-- we want grace.

1 Cor 1:26-31. God gives grace to those who need ot most-- to those it would seem most unfair, so no one can boast in himself.


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