"One Way Only" [pt 2]

[[I'm writing basically a sermon I have spent some time thinking up. I've never actually given or even written a sermon before... maybe this would just be considered a LONG devotional. But since it's not a rant, I'll call it a sermon. It will take me a few posts to get all of this out. And I have no desire on causing people eye-strain from staring at a screen forever while trying to read this. This is the second part in the series. It is strongly suggested you read the first part prior to continuing.]]

"One Way Only" [pt 2]

by Ryan Gill

John 14:5-6 (ESV)
Thomas said to [Jesus], "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Again, there is no one single verse that is more important than another. All scripture is breathed out of the mouth of God (2 Tim 3:16) and therefore important. .. BUT... IF WE COULD place a higher importance on any verse, I feel that verse would be John 14:6. Within those few sentences is the exclusive claim of the authority of Christ. John 3:16 tells of God's love and his offering of eternal life. However can one find this eternal life being offered through another source? Are there other eternal lives to be chosen from? Thankfully the answer to these questions are found in John 14:6.

There seems to be some actual confusion of late in regards to this verse. I don't know how it is possible to have CONFUSION over a verse that is really one of the most straight forward verses found in the New Testament. Jesus is not speaking in a parable, stories containing hidden messages to mask the truth from those who are not to hear it (Parables are NOT just simplistic stories to put truths into common language so the people of the day could understand... if so, the disciples were REALLY stupid in that they had to frequently ask the meaning to stories that were supposed to contain truths made simple for their understanding!), instead he means what he says without masking it. Lately though, certain leaders in this heresy we call the "Emergent Church" have found this verse to be a useful one to mix in Hindu and New Age ideas of maya and needing to connect to "the depth of reality." This is utter nonsense and a false presentation of the Gospel. This passage is not about reality-- true, false, or virtual.

So what is being said? What was Jesus really claiming in these verses? Let's proceed to look at this verse, taking apart Jesus' phrasing in this passage and how Christ claims exclusivity.


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