Was Mary Madgalene really a prostitute?

[20:47] Mandy Greiner: hey!
[20:48] Mandy Greiner: someone told me today that Mary Magdalene wasn't really a prostitute. and the church made that up.
[20:48] Mandy Greiner: have you ever heard that?
[20:48] jesusfreakrkg: lol
[20:48] jesusfreakrkg: yes and it is true
[20:48] jesusfreakrkg: show me scripturally where in the Word of God, Mary Magdalene is referred to as a prostitute?
[20:49] Mandy Greiner: well... i'm assuming since you're asking me it's not there
[20:49] Mandy Greiner: but why do people think she is? if she wasn't?
[20:50] jesusfreakrkg: Roman Catholic Church tradition
[20:50] Mandy Greiner: how do we know she wasn't?
[20:51] jesusfreakrkg: lemme find it
[20:56] jesusfreakrkg: turn in your bible to Luke 7
[20:57] Mandy Greiner: ok
[20:57] jesusfreakrkg: what version you in?
[20:57] Mandy Greiner: NASB... it'.s better
[20:57] jesusfreakrkg: yuck
[20:57] Mandy Greiner:
[20:58] jesusfreakrkg: check out the story v. 36-50
[20:58] jesusfreakrkg: the one about the "sinful woman"
[20:58] jesusfreakrkg: this woman was a prostitute
[20:59] Mandy Greiner: yeah
[20:59] jesusfreakrkg: notice there is no name for her
[21:00] Mandy Greiner: right... so people assumed that was Mary?
[21:00] jesusfreakrkg: just "a woman"
[21:00] jesusfreakrkg: now look what it says 2 verses later in 8:2
[21:01] jesusfreakrkg: "and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out."
[21:01] jesusfreakrkg: no mention of prostitution
[21:02] jesusfreakrkg: only that she was at one time demon possessed but no longer is that the case.
[21:02] Mandy Greiner: so why does everyone say that she is?
[21:02] jesusfreakrkg: it makes little sense literaryly (sp?) for them to mention her as a woman in ch 7,
[21:03] jesusfreakrkg: and then for Luke to give her a formal introduction in ch 8
[21:03] jesusfreakrkg: it was just catholic tradition.
[21:03] jesusfreakrkg: but lemme see what i can scrounge up
[21:03] Mandy Greiner: in wikipedia it says the first person that said she was a prostitute was pope gregory the great
[21:04] Mandy Greiner: BUT she was from a town with lots of prostitutes
[21:04] jesusfreakrkg: i go to Missouri State University... the STD capitol of the world...
[21:04] jesusfreakrkg: does that mean I have STD's?
[21:04] jesusfreakrkg: HECK NO!
[21:05] Mandy Greiner: haha
[21:05] Mandy Greiner: yeah
[21:06] jesusfreakrkg: http://www.sexualfables.com/sacred_prostitute.php
[21:06] jesusfreakrkg: but it's funny how tradition is confused w/ biblical truth.
[21:06] Mandy Greiner: i know!
[21:06] jesusfreakrkg: tradition is fine... but it can't be confused.


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