Getting informed on how they misinterpret scripture
Currently Reading The Gay Gospel?: How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible By Joe Dallas see related |
This afternoon I strolled into the room my brother has his many books and had a look. Spying Joe Dallas' The Gay Gospel? I decided to pick it up and read a bit, curious about what it had to say. I am very glad I did.
I have only thus far read the introduction and first chapter. The book has yet to REALLY even get going, but I am anxious about reading this book. Already I have learned a bit... I'll summarize:
- Four of this nation's most visible mainline Protestant denominations--the United Methodist Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the Presbyterian Church USA, and the Episcopal Church--contain thriving pro-homosexual groups whose goal is to lobby their denomination to officially condone homosexual practices and ordain openly homosexual pastors. [pg 23]
- Former president Jimmy Carter (D), when addressing a meeting of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, compared homosexuality to other secondary issues that "in God's eyes, fade into relative insignificance, as did circumcision in the first days of the early church." [pg 25]
- Brian McLaren, widely known as an author and leader within the emergent church movement, recounted in an interview with Christianity Today's online Leadership Journal his refusal to give a straight answer when asked where he stood on homosexuality. "Many of us don't know what we should think about homosexuality. We've heard all sides but no position has yet won our confidence." In light of hs inability to decide what's right or wrong on the matter, McLaren recommends a "five year moratorium on making pronouncements," during which he suggests we "keep our ears attuned to scholars in biblical studies, theology, ethics, psychology, genetics, sociology and related fields." [pg 25]
- The mainline denominations are WAY too fluffy with the issue of homosexuality, opting to portray a Jesus who doesn't call anyone to "Go and leave your life of sin" [John 8:11, TNIV]. United Methodists, Episcopals, and Lutherans all have prominent individuals or groups that take a stand for the pro-gay lifestyle. The United Methodists have the Reconciling Congregations group, which advocates pro-gay theology for individuals who claim Christianity, yet like their homosexual life. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) elected a man that favors ordination of active homosexuals to be the head of their denomination (why in the WORLD would Dave Embree and CCH support such a denomination?? This disturbs me greatly.). [pg 27]
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